Looking For A High Probability Trade Setup? I'll Teach You One Of The Best Setups I Know For Free!

Learn direct from a professional trader with active market experience spanning four decades.
I’ll teach you one of the best price action based trade setups that I know, at no cost…

  • Simple trade rules. Easy to learn.
  • Works for Futures, Forex & Stocks in ANY time frame.
  • Great for both up & down markets.
  • Based on a forgotten old price action ‘floor trader’ setup.


My apologies for not updating the website on a regular basis. Please know the trading methods presented in the Traders Club training videos are still valid and perform as illustrated.

My plan is to update the site and produce current videos this coming fall/winter 2017. Thank you all for your patience

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  1. Pam
    12 years ago

    Does the 9/30 and 3X work with ticks?

    • admin
      12 years ago

      hi Pam,

      Yes, the 9/30 and 3x method work with tick charts. And volume and time based charts. In any timeframe!


  2. Ace Guru
    12 years ago

    Rick, Thanks so much for the 9/30 setup. I am hoping to get your feedback on a tweak I have added to this method. I have modified the mavs to a 3period weighted mav and a 13 period simple moving average and have been using these to trade the hourly and daily $SPX charts. I trade off $SPX, but use BGU and BGZ. The method and buy and sell zones are the same. Thanks so much.

    Ace Guru

    • admin
      12 years ago

      Hi Ace, thanks for the feedback on the 9/30. Instead of a 9ema and a 30wma, you are using a 3 wma and a 13 sma. I will have to take a look at this and see what i think.

      thanks for sharing this.


  3. Bob Adams
    12 years ago

    I’m interested in taking your trial subscription. I have been mostly a countertrend trader with moderate success and have been looking for an affordable teaching/subscription service that can orient me towards trend trading. My question is because this time of the year is generally so slow would it be advisable for me to wait until after Labor Day to take your 7 day + offer?

    Thank you.


    • admin
      12 years ago

      Hi Bob,

      Trading has been slow this month so it makes sense to wait until after Labor Day to do your 7 day trial. Typically, the best trading days of the week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so you might plan your trial to start on Tuesday, the 11th. Sam does most of the commentary in the trading room and I confirmed he will be there. He lives in the UK and will be traveling home on the 9th but I confirmed he will be in the room on the 11th. Not on the 10th. He could be described as a countertrend trader too so hopefully you will find the room of value. I am primarily a with trend trader. I provide commentary in the room too but Sam is the primary analyst.


  4. Johnny
    12 years ago

    Hey Rick
    my question: i trade th FX mkt now. if i were to use yor system, which ‘time frame’ wud work best? As i notice u r using volume charts in this vid.

    looks simple…imagine that!

    thanx for yor time

    • admin
      12 years ago

      Hi Johnny,

      Depending on the type of trader you are, I would look at a 15min/60min/240min. If the market is volatile you could look at a 5 min chart. Of course you will want to keep an eye on the daily chart too. The setups I use work on any timeframe, in any liquid market.


  5. admin
    12 years ago


    Thank you for your interest in the 9/30 method. If you did not receive a link in an email for the 9/30 please use this link.


    Please let me know if you have questions or want to learn the 3x method which was developed based on the 9/30.


  6. John
    8 years ago

    Great info. Well done website with real good info.


    • admin
      8 years ago

      thanks, John. appreciate the comment.